Thursday, July 19, 2012

'Every Woman Deserves To Be Beautiful'

Actual photo is much more striking of Heidi
This is the tagline and brand statement for a wonderful line of skincare and makeup from founder Heidi Schulze. She's based in Houston.

If I've said it once, I've said it a million times. Houston doesn't get its fair shake in this country. What an under-marketed city with marvelous talent we have! The transcendent Heidi Schulze is one of our shining stars. 

Heidi has recently faced some serious health issues. She battled with cancer previously, so has a following among women who also have won this battle and want to come back better than ever. With the latest setback, a loving friend who does marketing for Heidi hosted a 'life celebration' soiree in her honor. 

Some of the skincare products, and the lovely goodie bags for guests

The older I get, the more I must focus on my health, and skincare in particular. It means more budget is set aside for this, but it's completely worth it to look as young and vibrant on the outside as you feel on the inside.
The stunning lip glosses
One of the special guests at the party was Joanne King Herring, who was the subject of 'Charlie Wilson's War' and has led a fascinating life. She's an octogenarian, and in person is quite stunning and incredibly gracious.

Wherever we are in life and whatever our station, as a woman I believe that, indeed, every woman deserves to be beautiful!

With Joanne King Herring - an elegant, gorgeous and gracious lady

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